Saturday, November 20, 2010

From Walls to Success

As another year rapidly comes to a close it is once again time to access your performance. If you are like me, I'm sure 2010 may read like the famous Clint Eastwood movie, "The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly".

Most likely there were highs and lows, good times and bad. That is just the way life goes. My key to describing a successful year is having the good times far outweigh the bad and completely forgetting the ugly times all together.

The past few years have no doubt been challenging, but 2010 offered that proverbial 'light at the end of the tunnel'. The worst is truly behind us as long as you have the right frame of mind that the best is yet to come. While these may sound like a bunch of clichés (because they are) the only thing that really matters is faith in what the future may hold.

Positive energy produces positive results, while negativity destroys not only your heart but your soul as well. I personally can attest to this as fact, having battled wall after wall just to scratch and scrape myself to a level of cautious optimism. From there I achieved a small level of success. I was fortunate to take that small level of success and build upon it to reach a level of success that I never dreamed possible.

The one constant though this whole process has been faith, faith in God and faith in the plan that he has for me. If you can stay true to this, the possibilities in this world are endless.