Friday, July 18, 2008

InBev buys Anheuser-Busch

I worked in the beer wholesaling industry most of my adult life. My grandfather started our company in 1954 and in 1968 we aquired the rights to distribute Anheuser-Busch products in our area. We sold the company in 2005 to a neighboring Anheuser-Busch wholesaler. While I always thought we would pass the company down to the next generation, selling when we did was the right move. There comes a time in every business, no matter how big or how small when change is the best course of action. While it is sad to see Anheuser-Busch , the Great American Beer Company, sold to a foreign company, it really isn't a surprise. Global consolidation of the beer industry has been going on for years. This was the most logical move for Anheuser-Busch to make in respect to their stockholders as well as their employees. This move ensures that Budweiser will always be The King of Beers.

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