Friday, September 25, 2009

The Fourth Quarter

Next week brings the month of October and for most companies the final quarter of their business year. 2009 has undoubtedly been a challenge for most of us. The recession has taken its toll on business as most companies have had to trim their work force, cut back on spending, and put any plans of expansion on hold. These tough times have put the business world on the defensive trying fend off any further deterioration of their core business.

To liken the situation to a football game, many of us enter the 4th quarter down big on the scoreboard with no real offense to try and close the gap. At this point you have two choices; pull the starters and write this year off as a total loss, or put a few different plays in the game plan to try and shake things up. If what you have been doing all year hasn't worked maybe it is time to survey the team for some new ideas and give them a shot. The worse that can happen is you stay on the same downward spiral, but chances are some new initiatives will yield some different results.

Do not fall into the trap of telling yourself that things will be better next year and you will start anew in January. All that does is put you three months further in the hole.

Now is the time for action to try and put some points on the board. You may very well still lose the game, but you can take satisfaction in the fact you that went down fighting, not sitting it out on the bench.

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