Friday, March 20, 2009

You are always Networking(whether you know it or not)

No matter what you or your company does, connecting with other people is a vital part of running and growing your business. Whether they are customers, potential customers, suppliers, business associates, or personal friends engaging them in any type of social interaction helps build relationships that is basis of your network.

In its most basic form, anytime you communicate with someone else you are in actuality networking with that individual. On the surface you may not see this as networking, but it is often these subtle interactions that can yield the most benefit. When most people hear the word "networking" they envision group meetings, organization functions, and planned social events. Simply meeting some associates for lunch to catch up with each other can be as powerful a networking tool as attending the local Chamber of Commerce mixer.

The key is to understand that anyone you interact with has the potential to help your business. You must also understand that this interaction is a two way street, as should be aware of how you may potentially be able to help theirs as well.This "mutually beneficial" exchange is the true essence of networking.

Networking is really about creating a working relationship with someone, as opposed to trying to find out "what can this person do for me?" Another key aspect is keeping your ears and eyes open whenever you are talking and more importantly, listening to others. It is amazing the information you can obtain when you make an effort to "actively listen" to others.

Once you embrace the concept that all social interaction is a networking opportunity, the more you put yourself in the position to benefit from your activities. Remember, networking is more about listening, learning, and sharing than trying to sell yourself or your company.

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