Friday, October 17, 2008

Control the Controllable

As the economy begins to slump more and more each passing day it becomes harder and harder to remain optimistic about growing and expanding a business. With so much doom and gloom in the air many people will be tempted to throw in the towel. While I do understand that things are slow, they aren't stopped. It is the companies that change, adapt, and persevere during these tough times that will not only maintain their business, but grow their business.

One fundamental concept that must always be in the forefront of your mind is to "control the controllable". You can't fix the credit crisis, you can't lower the price of gas, and you can't print money(at least legally), so focus all your energy on what you can do. This is a great opportunity to examine your work processes to look for ways to eliminate waste and raise productivity. That doesn't mean everyone working harder and longer, rather it means worker smarter. This is a great time to get rid of all the bad habits that have accumulated over the years. I guarantee if you take an honest and hard look at how your business is being run, you will find areas that need improvement. Improvement leads to better productivity. Being more productive leads to a more profitable business, and a more profitable business means growth not declines in revenue.

This is also a great time to eliminate the word excuse from your vocabulary. Most likely your excuses for poor results are things you can't control, so why make them. Nobody uses poor performance as an excuse for poor results. It can't be me, it has to be all the negative things that surround me. If everyone takes accountability for their day to day actions and works toward improving their own results, the company will automatically improve their results as a whole.

There is no doubt that a good number companies will not make it through this current economic meltdown, some actually through no fault of their own. However, by not taking control of the controllable you give yourself even less of a chance to make it. Remember "what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger".

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