Friday, October 10, 2008

Stretching Your Advertising Dollar

As the economy heads into the tank everyone will be looking for ways to tighten the budgetary belt to cut costs. The first knee jerk reaction is to cut marketing and advertising dollars as a way to cut costs. This is not the best move but as cash flow gets tight there may be no other choice. So how can you keep promoting your product or service if you have to cut back on traditional ways to advertise?

One way to stretch your advertising dollars is to donate your product and/or time to local charities and other fund raising organizations. Donations to organizations are a great way to generate goodwill for your business. You will gain recognition from the community as well as endear yourself to the fund raising group. This is an excellent way to gain positive visability at a very low cost, not to mention the benefit of helping a worthy cause.

Another way to stretch your dollars is to seek out trade for mention opportunities with the companies you already advertise with. Radio stations are constantly giving things away on the air, why not give away your product. This is far less expensive than the cost of buying more ads. If you already spend money with them do not be afraid to ask how you can get involved with their promotions. Print and other forms of media can be a little more tricky, but opportunities still do exist. The bottom line is to go to your media suppliers to look for ways to leverage your current ad dollars to generate additional promotional value aand exposure for your business.

The amount of exposure you receive from these activities can be worth their weight in gold, as not only to you get your product in front of the public, you create trial and most likely future sales for them as well. The opportunities are out there, the main thing is to find the right ones and make them work for you.

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